Saturday, November 13, 2010

My trip to Downtown for helping the Homeless

Today 11/13/2010
I went down to downtown of Seattle to give out shops for the homeless people
i know that the lesson in this is never take things for granted.....
well i think not
I believe that people can take things for granted because people worked for the thing they are taking for granted. (BTW this was stuck into my mind when i was in my SAT class the teacher was amused by my logic)
I dont know what you might say about this but i think thats one way for the question Why do we take stuff for granted.
these people in this park they take this for granted. free food is all they look for i know some of them might not be i know i would be
 haha maybe its just my crazy mind speaking
here is some pics

Friday, November 12, 2010

Are you GOOD or EVIL

Are people Evil? Where is the line of Evil 

Evil - morally wrong or bad(From

Definition of Evil sets us with another vague line of Our thoughts move the line where a person is considered Evil. I myself believe that Evil is from what they got to give to the world because they received harms from the world. Christianity states all men were Born Evil and only Jesus can wash your sins away (Something like that......^^;;). But the book of Prince Written in the Renaissances by Niccolo Machiavelli stets 
.The Prince is a treatise (a long prose work that systematically discusses an idea) on what a ruler needs to do to maintain political power while withstanding attacks by foreign powers.
So If I were to kill 50 men to stay in the position of Leader its okay? Or  Machiavelli was able to say this because he was in much older in time where death could have been your punishment(If and only if You committed that big of a crime). That is certainly not true North Korea is kinda capable of hold its power under Kim Jung Ill because of the torture, Death, and imprisonment that he use to control people. Could be but when he stepped in as leader his Dream wasnt to do that to convince people(Or I hope it wasnt...)

What is Your line of Evil? 
Do you think It depends on what situation Your in right now?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What is GOD Who is he How was he the "ONE"

Basic idea of god that i have is that God was created by men to depend on. Whether you agree on this idea or not If you think carefully enough it is true.
How can I say such words about God?
Before i was Atheist and Agnostic I came across an idea that in the place where all this started.  Israel vast dessert island. Nothing around you, only thing you can depend on is yourself and your family, if you had one. So Am I saying that one Men started all this??
NO Absolutely no, because different people wrote different parts of it and has been rewritten through the ages. And many people found that Bible does contradicts it self....... And people intemperate differently.(Lot of examples refer back to my

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I just realized that i forgotten my weekly blog post.............

I was doing HW from my tutor and came across my favorite story
Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut
at some point of your life you have read this....
the last three line is the line that i realize it was the story
"Gee-I could tell that one was doozy," said Hazel
"You could say that again," said George.
"Gee-"said Hazel, "I could tell that one was doozy."
does these line ring any bell??
I love this story and i felt the connection between Harrison Bergeron and me.
I did not die  but i did die internally.
The pressure to become what i have been told by majority of people to do..........

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

THis blog is ALMOST DEAD

I just realized that now i have less visitors Highest for this blog is 10 in one day
now almost no visitor
i am raising lot of attention on my Facebook and most of my friends are mad at me hahaha

I wish this was moved to this blog
i need more people on my blog T_T send my URLS to your friends and Family 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Atheism or Agnosticism which is right for you

Over the last couple of day i been asked
if was Agnostic i didn't know what i meant i asked got an answer similar to Atheism
but there is difference between these two almost  identical Religious views

means that there is no god and i have proof of everything from the start

takes in the both idea of there is no god but i think i will believe some parts of religion

I am Atheist and in my opinion Agnosticism isn't really something people should have chosen but who am i to do the choosing for you just like Religious people can tell me that i have to believe in there religion i can`t tell someone you cant believe any Religion

what is my explanation toward the Genesis of the world
Nobody knows not yet anyway i have my theories
until there is solid reasoning this peace will not come

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blogger lets me check what you used to see

It feels creepy
under stats what kind of computer and what kind of browser
It even knew that i used wii.....
and apparently i have least one Linux geek out there

Netherlands was just plain random.....
From this page i expected more I OS then this

THe bible

The Bible.
The Bible was written by primitive men over 2000 years ago (over many years). It contains hundreds of self contradictions, inconsistencies and unfulfilled prophecies. It condones slavery, rape and murder. For example, it orders Christians to kill homosexuals, adulterers, witches, nonbelievers, women who are not virgins before married and anyone who works on the sabbath day. Sadly, there are many more. Why would such brutal acts be included, not to mind being justified and ordered, in the "Holy Book"? My answer is that it was written 2000 years ago by primitive and violent men trying to establish order through fear.

The Bible was written, sorted and edited by fallible, violent and primitive men over thousands of years.

This is what i am talking about examples is simple yet very effective i would have written this by myself but I have too much HW 

You can see the full reasoning up URL i think she has good reasoning and she is our age ^^

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My B-day is coming

My Brithday is coming
if you wish to give me something and dont know what to give me you can "donate" money

20% of donation will be directed to Freedom From Religion Foundation

Thanks and the other i will buy a camera to shoot podcast hahah


Monday, October 4, 2010

Just a joke

This is just a Joke this is from Onion News they make all kind of joke
Thought it will cheer some people up its Monday

Sunday, October 3, 2010

out of date post

i was on youtube today after palying a game of wii found this video

I think this video has some points that i didnt think about

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ahhhhh lets talk about...

My 2nd post something that i never did
so lets get back to the topic
So is god real??
Why Atheist are Atheist and why Religious people religious??
tell me what you think and comment I will love to respond to every comment


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

1st Post ever

My name is Heon Jun Park
I live in Washington hahaha
This blog is about my life as a an Atheist
Since i have so much Religious friends and they always asked me Y??
This blog is to tell the World my view of a Religion and to tell those of you, who are religious, that there is reason why i dont believe YOUR Religion.
My goal is to keep posting every week fro a year

Thanks fro reading my crappy post